Thursday, August 13, 2020

Beautification of Front Entrance

 Just a few notices about today's Beautification project at the entrance of the neighborhood at 6:30pm. The committee will be out there as well as a board member or two and anyone else who would like to help is welcome to join.

PARKING!! This is going to be a tricky one. Here are my thoughts to help the situation. The committee will also work on fixing some spots in that empty lot (Lot #3, I believe) that were not mowed well. Some cars may be able to be parked in the grass on that empty lot if you fully pull into the grass and park side by side (not bumper to bumper). Don't park on someone's yard, please. Another idea is to park on the same side of the street as the dumpster, but park past the dumper leading into the neighborhood. Don't park between the entrance and the dumpster and please don't block any driveways. PLEASE DON'T PARK ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET FROM THE DUMPSTER. This becomes very dangerous.
On the corner of Lots #3, there are pallets and straw left behind from a sod company. If anyone wants them, please take them. The committee will work to dispose of those in the dumpster if they are still there this evening.
If you are not joining us this evening, please be cautious and aware if you're entering/exiting the neighborhood during this time. We want to keep everyone safe. The volunteers want to make South Ridge better and we want to appreciate them and respect them for their time and efforts as well as what they are doing for all of us. THANK YOU!!

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