Sunday, August 16, 2020

Parking/RV/Boat Covenants/Restrictions

 As stated at the HOA meeting on August 3, 2020, the new HOA board is currently committed to two major goals. 

1)      We want all of our neighbors to feel an added sense of security and safety for themselves and their children. 

2)      When homeowners abide by the set of covenants that govern their homes, we sustain a standard of living that will only make our neighborhood more desirable and increase our property values.

Each section of the neighborhood has a list of covenants/restrictions by which each homeowner is to abide.  The original builder of South Ridge (Derek Comperry) created each set of covenants/restrictions when each new section was established.  Each section's plat, by-laws, and restrictions can be found in labeled tabs on the blog site ( and can be located at the Montgomery County Register’s Office.

A couple of notices we would like to remind all our neighbors about is in regards to our parking of cars, boats, and recreational vehicles.  Stated below is the particular text within each section of the neighborhood covenants.  We are also providing the section number, paragraph number, and the date of the covenants.

STREET PARKING: Overnight on-street parking shall be prohibited with the exception of periods of inclement weather where access to the residence driveway would be hazardous or impaired due to slope or topography of the driveway servicing said residence; however this restriction shall not apply to guests of a residence provided that said guests do not park on said street or drive for more than seven (7) days.

             Section I & IA (amended to paragraph #11, circa 2001)

                Section II-V (paragraph #19, circa 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005 respectively)


BOATS AND RECREATIONAL VEHICLES: No boat longer than (see individual section restrictions below), motor home, recreational vehicle or the like shall be permitted to be upon or maintained upon any lot, unless the same be stored inside a garage or detached structure constructed upon the premises.

             Section I & IA (20 ft, paragraph #9, 2001)

                Section II-IV (16 ft, paragraph #8, 2000, 2002, 2004)

                Section V (18 ft, paragraph #8, 2005)


UNPAVED SURFACES: No yard area or unpaved surface of any lot shall be used for the parking or storage of any motor vehicle, trailer, or boat.

              Section I & IA (amended to paragraph #11, circa 2001)

                Section II-V V (paragraph #22, circa 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005 respectively)


We want to thank everyone for helping to make South Ridge the best that it can be.  Please help us by following the restrictions and by-laws that you agreed to, upon moving into our neighborhood.  We will have to start sending out violation notices to those neighbors who choose to disregard these regulations, in a few weeks.  These regulations help keep our neighborhood a safe place for all of our residents!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Beautification of Front Entrance

 Just a few notices about today's Beautification project at the entrance of the neighborhood at 6:30pm. The committee will be out there as well as a board member or two and anyone else who would like to help is welcome to join.

PARKING!! This is going to be a tricky one. Here are my thoughts to help the situation. The committee will also work on fixing some spots in that empty lot (Lot #3, I believe) that were not mowed well. Some cars may be able to be parked in the grass on that empty lot if you fully pull into the grass and park side by side (not bumper to bumper). Don't park on someone's yard, please. Another idea is to park on the same side of the street as the dumpster, but park past the dumper leading into the neighborhood. Don't park between the entrance and the dumpster and please don't block any driveways. PLEASE DON'T PARK ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE STREET FROM THE DUMPSTER. This becomes very dangerous.
On the corner of Lots #3, there are pallets and straw left behind from a sod company. If anyone wants them, please take them. The committee will work to dispose of those in the dumpster if they are still there this evening.
If you are not joining us this evening, please be cautious and aware if you're entering/exiting the neighborhood during this time. We want to keep everyone safe. The volunteers want to make South Ridge better and we want to appreciate them and respect them for their time and efforts as well as what they are doing for all of us. THANK YOU!!

Monday, August 10, 2020

HOA Meeting Minutes from 8/3/2020


South Ridge HOA Quarterly Meeting Minutes

August 3, 2020


The current President, Nick Thompson called the meeting to order at 6:10pm.


Nick Thompson announced known nominations for board positions as:

President- Jeff Vernon

Co Vice-Presidents- Kristen Shinn and Lindsey Davis

Secretary- Christie Kettle

Treasurer- Laurie Matta


The floor was open to additional nominations. No more nominations were made.

Motion was made for Jeff Vernon to become President.  Motion was seconded, motion passed with verbal majority vote

Motion was made for Kristen Shinn and Lindsey Davis to become Co Vice Presidents.  Motion was seconded; motion passed with verbal majority vote.

Motion was made for Christie Kettle to become Secretary.  Motion was seconded, motion passed with verbal majority vote.

Motion was made for Laurie Matta to become Treasurer.  Motion was seconded, motion passed with verbal majority vote.



Nick Thompson updated attendees on current Treasury report.  Currents standings in financial accounts are:


Current Treasury Report:

Assets as of 8/3/2020

Money Market:                                                                         $70,483.64

Checking:                                                                                  $  4,646.37




2019 Expenses:

East Mont. Utility Dist.:                                                                       $1,457.61

CEMC (Street Lighting & Front Entrance Lighting):                            $2,592.67

Electrical Repairs/Maintenance:                                                           $752.00

Mowing:                                                                                              $2,975.00

PO Box:                                                                                                   $118.00

Other (Expenses Reimbursement/Santa)                                              $558.48


TOTAL 2019 Expenses……………………………………………………$8,452.76



2020 Expenses YTD

East Mont. Utility Dist.:                                                                          $126.49

CEMC (Street Lighting & Front Entrance Lighting:                             $1,502.27

Electrical Repairs/Maintenance:                                                        $4,273.00

Mowing:                                                                                                 $900.00

PO Box:                                                                                                    $118.00


TOTAL 2020 Expenses YTD………………………………………….…$6,919.76



New Business

Jeff Vernon informed attendees that the new HOA board would be getting together to review all neighborhood concerns left on index cards over the next 90 days.  The board will review and work together to address concerns at the next quarterly meeting.


Kristen Shinn updated on TN Wastewater situation.  TN Wastewater is a 2-step system.  TN Wastewater should have a treatment facility for our waste (and in most other areas where their system is used, they do).  Derek Comperry assisted in building pipes from our neighborhood for our waste to connect to pipes owned and treated by Clarksville Gas and Water.  Clarksville Gas and Water charges South Ridge at the industrial rate, because in the eyes of CG&W, South Ridge is “one customer.”  That charge is submitted to TN Wastewater.  TN Wastewater is then charging us the CG&W rate, and their own service charges. 

South Ridge is (to our knowledge) the only customer with TN Wastewater without their own treatment plant.  TN Wastewater has recently turned over a new board and they are willing to work with us to adjust our rates based on what CG&W charges TN Wastewater.  The board will review each June to reassess the charges and adjust accordingly.  Residents should see a reduction in costs on their August bill.

TN Wastewater says to build a treatment plant, they need the land on which to build the treatment plant as well as the money to build it which will require they secure a loan.  They do have the land, but state that they do not have the money to build a South Ridge treatment facility.  They also stated that they will re-visit the securement of a loan to build the facility.  This treatment facility will allow us to cut ties with CG&W. 

This situation will be ongoing and the board will stay on top of it and update as necessary.

TN Wastewater is supposed to check tanks annually and check for maintenance.  For maintenance from home to tank, the homeowner is responsible.  For maintenance on tank and out, contact TN Wastewater.


Christie Kettle encouraged participation and volunteers for the three committees we are trying to get going again. 

·         The Beautification Committee will work towards upkeep on front entrance, lights; Yard of the Month may be a possibility and other such ideas that may incorporate the beautification of our neighborhood. 

Welcome back to the South Ridge HOA blog!

 The blog is back up and running!!  I'm new to blogs and they're not my favorite platform, so please be nice :) I'll learn and get better at presentation.  Here are the latest announcements coming at you from the new South Ridge HOA!

1) STAY UP TO DATE- you may click up in the top right corner and subscribe to this blog.  Put in your email address and you'll get notified each time a new post is updated to the blog.


One of our new VPs just sent out a test email. If you did not get an email from, please email that address and request to be added to the neighborhood email list so that you have another way of getting neighborhood updates and information.
The fb page, email, and the blog will be our 3 major means of communication and we will do our best to post all information in all 3 platforms for the best form of consistent communication.
If you're friendly with your close by neighbors, encourage them to do the same so we can ensure everyone is reached in at least one of these 3 ways.
We can put the information out there. But neighbors must be willing to accept it.

A few volunteers from the Beautification Committee will be meeting up at the entrance this Thursday evening at 6:30. They will be working on pulling up some weeds, trimming the bushes and brainstorming some ideas for fall decorating and spruce up.
We wanted to let everyone know that they would be there. Please be careful when driving in/out of the neighborhood that evening. We want to keep everyone safe.
If anyone else would like to see improvements, come out and help. Things can not improve without volunteers.
If you come out to join and are able, please bring a weed eater, hedge clippers, trash bags, any other helpful yard tools, and an extension cord may be nice as well if your tools require it.

Saturday 8/15/2020
Founding Frothers Coffee
Big Mike's Doughnuts 9-12pm
South Ridge Culdesac