Sunday, July 29, 2018

July 2018 HOA Meeting

July HOA Meeting

The HOA will be meeting was held 6:00 PM on
Monday, July 23rd at
Sango Event Center (3061 US-41A) 

Here are the minutes from that meeting:

South Ridge HOA Quarterly Meeting Minutes July 23, 2018

The meeting was called to order by the current President, Nick Thompson at 6:00 PM. 

Introduction of Board Members for 2018 - 2020
Nick Thompson - President
Oliver Caldwell - Vice President
Charlotte Marihugh - Secretary
OPEN - Treasurer 

Discussed the open position for Treasurer. Tina Diaz was nominated and accepted the position during our Annual Meeting on April 16, 2018. She is unable to fulfill the duties required for the position. Kristin Snyder was nominated and accepted the position for Treasurer. Motion was made and seconded to approve change. A vote was made and passed to approve the change. 

Old Business 
Approval of the Minutes from Annual meeting in April. A motion was made and seconded to approve minutes. A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.

New Business
Discussed mosquito spraying. It was conducted June 25, 2018 throughout the neighborhood by McGee Pest Control. 

Neighborhood Yard Sales: Fall date has been set for October 5th & 6th, 2018.

Front Entrance Landscaping: Discussed that landscaping improvements have been put on hold until property lines have been adjusted. Once set and there is no concern about moving entrance signs, landscaping plans will continue. 

Information Sign: Discussed having a sign made to display access to HOA information on backside of front entrance sign. This is to help notify realtors and new homeowners of how to contact HOA. Sign will have HOA website information and upcoming events posted. 

Block Party: Date for set August 25, 2018. Discussion regarding food, activities, and parking. 

Topics of concern brought of during meeting…
Drains throughout neighborhood Issues with sinking due to heavy rain overflow in some areas. Montgomery county owns the roads and the board will reach out regarding repairs to drains.

Discussion about beautifying the neighborhood. Suggested that a 5 year plan be put in place to upgrade street lamps and entrance. It was discussed that upgrading lightbulbs, street signs, and adding “children at play” sign.

Concerns raised regarding minors driving golf carts and go carts on main roads. Worry of approaching vehicles colliding. HOA will send out email to help address the concern. 

Meeting Closed - A motion was made and seconded to end the official meeting. A vote was made and passed to close the Quarterly HOA Meeting. 

Monday, June 18, 2018

Minutes of 2018 Annual Meeting

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting Minutes  April 16, 2018

The meeting was called to order by the current President, Nick Thompson at 6:30 PM.

Introduction of Board Members for 2016 – 2018
  • Nick Thompson - President
  • Oliver Caldwell – Vice President
  • OPEN – Secretary
  • OPEN – Treasurer
Discussed the open positions for Secretary and Treasurer.  Jodi Gunden stepped down as Secretary and Eric Gunden stepped down as Treasurer.  Charlotte Marihugh was nominated and accepted the position of Secretary.  Tina Diaz was nominated and accepted the position of Treasurer.  Motion was made and seconded to approve the change.  A vote was made and passed to approve the change.

Old Business
Approval of Minutes from last year’s meeting.  A motion was made and seconded to approve last year’s minutes.  A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.

Summary of income and expenses for last year and where the money goes:
  • Street Light Repair and misc. electrical
  • Utilities (CEMC, watering, etc.)
  • Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping (Updated front entrance)
  • Entertainment (Movies, Santa, Yard Sales, etc.)
  • HOA Drawing
Summary of Activities from April 2017 to March 2018
  • Neighborhood Yard Sales
  • Santa Visits
  • Welcoming committee
New business

Financial Overview discussion of assets, liabilities, and income were covered during the meeting.  We are doing well financially and no annual dues changes are required at this time.

Discussed mosquito spraying.  Trying to get it done this spring.  There is only one company that will do the fogging in the subdivision (McGee Pest Control).

Discussion of Volunteer Activities

  1. Neighborhood Yard Sales:  First Yard Sale will be May 4-5.  Fall sale date is to be determined.
  2. Outdoor movie nights
  3. Santa Visits South Ridge
  4. Activities committee
  5. Sign-up sheets were available for different volunteer opportunities.
Reviewed the safety issues with parking in the street, dog feces in the street and the neighbor’s yards, walking at night, and speeding.  

There was discussion of the responsibilities of the duties of the HOA board.  The board does not have the authority to legally enforce these things and it is suggested that residents speak with their neighbors or contact the sheriff.
There was a concern raised that some of the residents may not be aware of the covenant rules.  There was a discussion around how to improve transfer of information.
  1. A suggestion was made to send out welcome letters with the HOA email address and the blog site address.
  2. A suggestion was made to put a sign at the entrance with the HOA information.
  3. Having more frequent HOA meetings were discussed.  Additional information will be posted on the HOA blog or emailed out.  Target would be quarterly.
Drawing – Congratulation to Steve Hawk (983 South Ridge Trl) and Mike Head (898 Iron Wood Cir).  They won the drawings for the free annual dues for 2018.

Meeting Closed – A motion was made and seconded to end the official meeting.  A vote was made and passed to close the 2018 Annual HOA Meeting.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 2018 Annual HOA Meeting Scheduled

2018 Annual HOA Meeting Scheduled

Our annual meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Monday, April 16th at
Sango Event Center (3061 US-41A) 

Don't forget that those who attend are entered into a drawing for free annual dues!

In addition there are at least 2 board member openings (Secretary and Treasurer) that need to be filled.
If you have interest please forward your information to: