Monday, May 9, 2016

2016 Spring Semi-Annual Garage Sale

The South Ridge Semi-Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale is here!

Image result for yard sale pictures free

Friday May 20th and Saturday May 21st

See you there!

South Ridge is located on the right about 4 1/2 miles down Hwy 12 from the 41A Bypass. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

2016 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes

2016 South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting            
April 4th, 2016

The meeting was called to order by the current President, Steve Tronnes at 6:30 PM.
1.       Introduction of Officers from 2015 – 2016
·         Steve Tronnes - President
·         John Marihugh – Vice President
·         Jodi Gunden – Secretary
·         Pete Materia – Treasurer

2.       Old Business

·         Approval of Minutes from last year’s meeting.  A motion was made and seconded to approve last year’s minutes.  A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.
·         Summary of income and expenses for last year and where the money goes:
1. Street Light Repair and misc. electrical
2. Ulities (CEMC, watering, etc.)
3. Lawn Maintenance and Landscaping
4. Entertainment (Movies, Santa, Yard Sales, etc.
5. HOA Drawing
·         Summary of Activities from April 2015 to March 2016
1. Outdoor Movie Night
2. Neighborhood Yard Sales
3. Santa Visits
4. Caroling
5. Welcoming committee

3.       New business

·         Financial Overview discussion of assests, liabilities, and income were covered during the meeting.  We are doing well financially and no annual dues changes are required at this time.
·         Discussion of Volunteer Activities
1. Neighborhood Yard Sales
2. Outdoor movie nights
3. Santa Visits Southridge
4. Caroling committee
5. Activities committee
Sign-up sheets were available for different volunteer opportunities.

4.       Election of New Board Members

Elections were held to officially vote in the 2016-2018 Board Members.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the nominations.  A vote was made and passed to approve the Board Members.
·         John Marihugh - President
·         OPEN – Vice President
·         Jodi Gunden – Secretary
·         Eric Gunden – Treasurer

5.       Drawing – Congratulation to Anne Pulley and Timothy Lee.  They won the drawings for the free annual dues for 2016.

6.       There was a discussion regarding the property adjacent to South Ridge that has an application submitted to the Regional Planning Commission for rezoning from AG to R-1.

Meeting Closed – A motion was made and seconded to end the official meeting.  A vote was made and passed to close the 2016 Annual HOA Meeting.