Sunday, April 12, 2015

2015 Annual Meeting Minutes

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting           April 6th, 2015

The meeting was called to order by the current President Steve Tronnes at 6:30 pm.

2. Introduction of Officers for 2014 – 2016

  • Steve Tronnes, President
  • OPEN              Vice President
  • OPEN              Secretary
  • Pete Materia, Acting Secretary / Treasurer

3. Old Business:

  • Approval of minutes from last year’s meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve last year’s minutes. A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.
  • Summary of activities / improvements from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015

1.    Neighborhood yard sales

2.    Outdoor movie nights

3.    Santa Visits Southridge

4.    Mosquito spraying

5.    Cul-de-sac improvements on South Ridge Trail (Thanks to the Materia’s)

  • Summary of income and expenses for last year and where the money goes:

1.    Street Light Repair and misc. electrical

2.    Landscaping / Mowing (including 2 abandoned properties)

3.    Utilities (CEMC, watering, etc.)

4.    Activities – Movies, Santa visits, etc.

5.    Mosquito spraying

New Business:

  • Financial Overview discussion of assets, liabilities and income were covered during the meeting. We are doing well financially and no annual dues changes are required at this time.
  • Discussion of current dues: A motion was made and seconded to keep early dues in 2015 at $95 per year. After the 2015 annual meeting regular dues will remain at $100 per year until May 31st, 2015. Late dues would be assessed beginning June 1st 2015 at $110 per year. A vote was made and passed to approve the 2015 dues.
  • Discussion of volunteer opportunities

1.    Neighborhood yard sales

2.    Outdoor movie nights

3.    Santa Visits Southridge

4.    Cul-de-sac improvements throughout the neighborhood

5.    Caroling Committee

6.    Block Party / BBQ Cook off / Blues on the Ridge

Signup sheets were available for the different volunteer opportunities

  • Tennessee Wastewater

1.    TN Wastewater costs decreased by 22% in 2013

2.    There are no increases scheduled for 2015 as of 4/6/15

3.    There was a discussion on continued ways to lower costs

  • Succession Planning - Elections for 2016 – 2018 term officers for the Board of Directors will be held at the 2016 Annual Meeting. No one was willing at the 2014 Annual Meeting to volunteer for President, Vice President, or Secretary. Succession planning is important this year to fill the open positions by appointment and voted on for next year at the 2016 Annual Meeting. By the HOA Bylaws, the 2 offices that are required to be filled at a minimum are the President and Secretary. For the meantime, the current President, Steve Tronnes, will stay in place until 2016 and appoint a VP and Secretary when available. The Treasurer, Pete Materia, will also hold the office of Secretary for the purposes of carrying out liens for properties that are not up to date on dues until another Secretary is appointed.
  • Chris Pittman led a discussion on the importance of maintaining the HOA and gave several examples of HOA’s that had not been able to keep up their neighborhoods due to no volunteers lowering property values.
    • Drawing – Congratulations to Bobby Coleman and Linda & Jim Howell. They won the drawings for the free Annual Dues for 2015.
    Meeting Closed - A motion was made and seconded at 7:10 pm to end the official meeting. A vote was made and passed to close the 2015 Annual HOA Meeting.

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