Sunday, April 7, 2013

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting Minutes


The following minutes are from the Annual HOA Meeting

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting           April 1st, 2013
Introduction by Steve Tronnes, HOA President. The 2013 meeting started at 6:30 pm, April 1st.
Before we discussed old business, our guest Charles Hyatt, President of TN Waste Water (TWW) was present to answer questions about the sewer system, how it works, and neighbors’ concerns. It was noted that TWW has requested loans from 2 different financial institutions for the 1.2 million dollars required to complete the pipeline and treatment facility for our grey water that would allow us to disconnect from the City of Clarksville and help us reduce the price of our monthly bills. The City of Clarksville did reduce our costs in February 2013 that reduced our monthly bill by 18%. Some folks may not see the reduction if they are above the $125 monthly cap. (As an example, my sewer bill went from $70 in January to $50 in April.) Our goal is to disconnect from the city sewer system so our bills are not tied to our water usage, but instead the cost to maintain the sewer system. Other concerns about maintenance of risers, caps, and septic tanks were brought up for discussion. If you have any maintenance concerns contact TN Waste Water at 888-423-3687. The maintenance hotline is 877-669-0786.
Introduction of Officers for 2013
  • Steve Tronnes, President
  • Kent Marhol, Vice President
  • Sharrock Cobb, Secretary
  • Pete Materia, Treasurer
Old Business:
  • Approval of minutes from last year’s meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve last year’s minutes. A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.
  • Summary of income and expenses for last year
1.       Total income: $13,992
2.       Total expenses: $15,015
a.       New Street Light -$2,600.00
b.      Street Light Repair and misc. electrical-$1,506.00
c.       Landscaping-$2,375.00 (including mulching / mowing / plant & tree trimming)
d.      Utilities (CEMC, watering, etc.)-$2,600.00 approx.
e.      Activities-$1,325.00
f.        Clarksville Construction - $2,250.00
g.       Back Flow Valve Replacement  - $550.00
h.      Mosquito spraying-$450.00
3.       Balance in money market account: $34,051.00
4.       Balance in operating account: $13,173.00
  • Summary of activities / improvements from April 2012 to March 2013
1.       Neighborhood yard sale
2.       Outdoor movie nights / Cookout
3.        Yard of the Month program
4.       Santa Visits Southridge
5.       Front entrance improvements (landscaping)
6.       Mosquito spraying
7.       Injection Well  cleanup
8.       New street light on Iron Wood Circle finally installed
New Business:
  • Discussion of volunteer opportunities and some new focus committees
Ø  Restriction Focus  Committee – Ways to bring homeowners in compliance
Ø  Sewer  Focus Committee – Continue to review ways to reduce cost
Ø  Welcoming Committee – Each area may need a chair to help out
Ø  Beautification Committee- Neighborhood improvement projects
Ø  Outdoor Movie Night / Cookout Committee
Ø  Santa Visits Southridge Committee
Sign up sheets were passed around for the different volunteer opportunities

Other activities usually coordinated by the current President
Ø  Neighborhood Yard Sale
Ø  Yard of the Month
·         Security
1.       Front Entrance Security – The system is available, but we have been unable to find an installer. If anyone knows anybody able to install the system, let a board member know.
2.       Home Security – Motion lights / flood lights help to deter illegal activity. Camera systems are very effective to watch areas of concern. They are also very effective for the sheriff to charge the perpetrators. There are all types of inexpensive systems available made for home security.
       Watch out for your neighbors and report suspicious activity.
       Call 911 if you are the victim of a crime. Vandalism and trespassing are crimes and should be reported to the proper authorities to protect everyone.
·         Questions / Comments for improvement
1.       Halloween Safety – We have a lot of traffic and people in the neighborhood. Everyone must be aware of the safety for families participating. Slow down, keep flood lights on if available, and watch out for children and parents safety.
2.       Speeders / Stop Sign runners (some don’t even slow down) Take a picture, get a license number, and report them to the Sheriff (911). These are all violations of the law.
3.       Contract workers littering or destroying property. Get the name of the contractor and report them.
4.       Keeping yards mowed (Unoccupied or Occupied) – If the owner does not cut their property, we can cut and bill them for the costs.
5.       More asphalt is needed to make more of a gradual turn into the neighborhood from Hwy 12.  
·         Drawing – Chris Pittman was the Grand Prize winner of the Free Annual Dues. Congratulations!
·         Official Meeting Closed / Break
A motion was made at 7:20 pm to end the official meeting and take a short break before the Restriction Focus Committee meeting.
  • Restrictions Focus Committee
1.       A short discussion on a new committee to focus on how to help people comply with the restrictions. No one wanted to sign up today, so the meeting turned into a discussion about neighbors respecting their neighbors property and vandalism.
 2.       Vandalism – A picture says a thousand words. Most of the complaints about vandalism come in the warmer months. Most unreported and reported are due to unsupervised children performing illegal activities known as trespassing and vandalism. Not showing respect for your neighbor’s property  by allowing young adults to participate in trespassing and vandalism could be very expensive for the family involved including a police record that can follow the convicted person showing violent tendencies and preventing them from finding jobs and lifestyles they could otherwise enjoy. For that reason a lot of vandalism is not reported to the proper authorities, but I encourage victims to call 911 and report it. If it is currently taking place and you see it, call and give the details to the sheriff on duty in the area. If it happened and you found it at a later date, it should still be reported. If you have had problems before, get a camera, you probably have the same neighbors you had last year. Motion lights are also very effective if pointed in the right directions. A security camera at the front entrance will probably not prevent these types of crimes, but is needed to deter other types of crimes.
Submitted by: Steve Tronnes – President Southridge Home Owners Association on April 7th, 2013.

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