Friday, December 23, 2011

Update on Restrictions

We have had several requests for an update on the attorney we have hired due to violations of restrictions.  He has been sending out warning letters and we will meet with him to discuss additional actions regarding violations of restrictions.  The biggest issues are RVs (still) and parking in the street.  If you are parking in the street, please stop.  This is creating a safety issue and is a violation of the restrictions that govern the neighborhood. 

Several people have commented that in the past the HOA has taken "no steps" to deal with violations of restriction and that is simply not the case.  We deal with issues from lawn maintenance to parking on the street, to outbuildings to RV's on a weekly basis.  The best way to endure that people are in complience is for those who are impacted to speak to their neighbors if they are concerned about a violation of restrictions. 

We have said it before, but want to make sure everyone understands.  We are not designed to be the restriction police.  While we do what we can to urge people to comply each and every person who lives in South Ridge has the same right to urge their neighbors to comply with the restrictions ans we do.

So, as a summary, we are continuing to work with the attorney to deal with the violations that continue to occur.  Additionally, please feel free to discuss concerns with your neighbors if you are concerned with violations of restrictions.  There is only so much the board can do and we are doing what we can.

Chris Pittman
HOA President

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