Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Mark and Mindy Bell who live at 943 South Ridge Trail.  They have been voted the Christmas Yard of the Month for 2011.  There were six additional finalists and we congratulate all of the other finalists, 971 South Ridge Trail, 1209 Fieldcrest, 958 South Ridge Trail, 1146 Iron Wood Circle, 794 Iron Wood Circle and 786 Iron Wood Circle. 

Below is a picture of the Bell's house and the Christmas Yard of the Month sign will be displayed for the next few days in the Bell's yard.  Merry Christmas.

Update on Restrictions

We have had several requests for an update on the attorney we have hired due to violations of restrictions.  He has been sending out warning letters and we will meet with him to discuss additional actions regarding violations of restrictions.  The biggest issues are RVs (still) and parking in the street.  If you are parking in the street, please stop.  This is creating a safety issue and is a violation of the restrictions that govern the neighborhood. 

Several people have commented that in the past the HOA has taken "no steps" to deal with violations of restriction and that is simply not the case.  We deal with issues from lawn maintenance to parking on the street, to outbuildings to RV's on a weekly basis.  The best way to endure that people are in complience is for those who are impacted to speak to their neighbors if they are concerned about a violation of restrictions. 

We have said it before, but want to make sure everyone understands.  We are not designed to be the restriction police.  While we do what we can to urge people to comply each and every person who lives in South Ridge has the same right to urge their neighbors to comply with the restrictions ans we do.

So, as a summary, we are continuing to work with the attorney to deal with the violations that continue to occur.  Additionally, please feel free to discuss concerns with your neighbors if you are concerned with violations of restrictions.  There is only so much the board can do and we are doing what we can.

Chris Pittman
HOA President

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Santa made a stop in South Ridge last night.  We hope all the boys and girls in the neighborhood got to see Santa last night.  Below are some pictures from last night.  Merry Christmas!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Halloween Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Victor and Donna Martinez whose house has been voted the 2011 Halloween Yard of the Month with more than 60% of the votes cast. Stop by the Martinez's house on Halloween to see (and hear) a great Halloween house. The Martinez's certainly have that Halloween "spirit."

Monday, September 5, 2011

August 2011 Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Jen and Daniel Gariniger, at 822 Glenraven, for being voted August 2011 Yard of the Month. Below are a couple of pictures of the Garinger's house and the South Ridge HOA Yard of the Month sign will be in the Garinger's yard for the next couple of weeks.

This is the last monthly Yard of the Month of the Year. Don't forget that we will choose a Yard of the Month for Halloween and Christmas. More information on that will follow.

Monday, August 15, 2011

What Restrictions Govern My Property?

Several homeowners have asked that we post the neighborhood restriction on this website. The restrictions were posted a couple of years ago, but we wanted to post them again.

Remember, the restrictions are NOT HOA restrictions. They are neighborhood restrictions that are in your deed.

Section V Restrictions:

Section IV Restrictions:

Section III Restrictions:

Section II Restrictions:

Sections I and IA Restrictions:

Sunday, August 7, 2011

July 2011 Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Joseph and Dorothy Buteau, at 914 Glenraven, whose yard has been selected as the July 2011 Yard of the Month. The Buteau's are the first repeat winners. Their yard was selected as the very first Yard of the Month in May of 2010.

The Yard of the Month sign will be displayed in the Buteau's yard for the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

June 2011 Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Marge Thornton at 838 Iron Wood Circle whose yard was voted June Yard of the Month.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

May 2011 Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Robert and Helen Vaughn who live at 1018 South Ridge Trail for being voted May Yard of the Month! The voting for the June Yard of the Month will start in a few days.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Outdoor Movie Night and Dessert Social Coming Up!

On Saturday, June 25, please join us for a neighborhood dessert potluck and outdoor screening of Megamind at 7:30 p.m. on Iron Wood Circle. Bring a dessert to share with your neighbors and blankets or lawn chairs. The HOA will provide bowls, plates, napkins, spoons, and a port-o-potty. The movie will begin at dark. We hope to see you there!

2011 Annual Meeting Minutes

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting May 12, 2011
Introduction of Officers for 2010 – 2012 started at 6:30 pm
• Chris Pittman, President
• Kristin Shinn, Vice President
• Steve Tronnes, Secretary
• Anna Blake, Treasurer
Old Business:
• Approval of minutes from last year’s meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve last year’s minutes. A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.
• Summary of activities / improvements from May 2010 to April 2011
1. Neighborhood yard sale
2. Blues on the Ridge (2nd annual concert-Fall)
3. Outdoor movie night / purchase of equipment
4. Implementation of Yard of the Month program (more later)
5. Front entrance improvements (landscaping and painting)
6. Purchase of security system (status)
7. Mosquito spraying
8. Continued work on restrictions (more later)
9. Resident directory (only 25% participation)
• Summary of income and expenses for last year
1. 2010 Dues-collected from all but 2 homes
2. Lien’s entered on those two properties
3. Total income: $18,000.00 (approx.)
4. Total expenses: $15,000.00 (approx.)
a. Street Light Repair and misc. electrical-$1,865.00
b. Expected to more than double this year-New light poles and repairs due to age
c. Landscaping-$3,528.91 (including new front landscaping, repair of damage caused by 4-wheeler, mowing, etc)
d. Security System-$800.00 (so far)To be installed this summer
e. Utilities (CEMC, watering, etc.)-$2,600.00 approx.
f. Activities-$1,500.00
g. Accounting-$275.00
h. Movie System Purchase-$3,500.00 (Rentals $1,800.00)
i. Mosquito spraying-$450.00
5. Balance in money market account: $33,800.00
6. Balance in operating account: $11,900.00
7. Financially very healthy compared to comparable neighborhoods
New Business:
• Upcoming activities
1. Neighborhood yard sale (May 13 & May 14, 2011)
2. Yard of the Month (May-Aug., Halloween and Christmas)
3. New: voting online for the Yard of the Month. Email to link will be sent out each month.
4. Outdoor movie and dessert potluck (June 2011)
5. Explanation regarding location (Liability concerns / Safety concerns / Accessibility)
6. Summer block party and cookout (June or July)
7. Neighborhood open house (Summer)
8. Third annual “Blues on the Ridge” (September)
9. Other movie night(s)-Summer, Fall
• Door prizes (Coffee mugs and free HOA dues for a year!)
• Discussion of volunteer opportunities
1. Welcome Committee -Kristin Shinn to Chair committee to help welcome new neighbors.
2. Beautification Committee- Steve Tronnes to Chair neighborhood improvement projects.
3. Activities Committee-Chair and members needed to help coordinate activities
4. Newsletter Committee-Chair and members needed to put together a newsletter and possibly a website.
5. Neighborhood Watch-Chair and members needed especially in summer months.
• Restrictions
1. Most comply with restrictions. (200 properties and well over 90% are in compliance)
2. Largest number of complaints re: violations
a. RVs
b. Sheds
c. Boats (too large)
d. Parking in street
3. Be courteous of your neighbors and comply voluntarily with the restrictions.
4. Modification to Restrictions – Chris Pittman discussed having a few dates available in the near future for everyone to vote on the possible changes to the current restrictions. Flyers will go out to explain the changes to every home in the neighborhood. A deadline will be set to vote and the decision will be made after all the votes are counted. The current restriction modification proposal was presented as a package involving: Boats and RVs, Fences, and Swimming Pools.

• Problems expressed by Homeowners
1. Children running through yards
2. Parking on the streets (danger to walkers, runners and children on bikes) A flyer to help kindly remind your neighbors is available and will be emailed out for everyone to use.
3. Scooters, motorcycles, four wheelers and golf carts
4. Yards. Impacts the neighborhood more than anything else. Take pride in your home. If you need help ask.
5. Speeding
6. Violations of restrictions (previously discussed)
7. Loud music
8. Dues: Please pay promptly. This is an issue for our neighborhood
a. Dues are overdue after May 12th, 2011
b. 61 of 196 members (over 30%) have not paid and are overdue as of tomorrow.
9. Dogs.
a. Montgomery County does have a leash law.
b. Use yards as bathrooms
c. Concerns for safety of children and walkers
d. Concern for dogs (getting picked up by pound)
e. Please keep dogs inside, on a leash or in a fenced in yard
10. Most (but not all) issues can be solved through communication with neighbors
• Questions and Comments and Ideas to look at for the upcoming year
 A discussion on the revision of the package of restrictions that included Boats and RVs, Swimming Pools, and Fences was made. Since the restrictions are in the deeds to every homeowner’s property, changing them must be voted on by all homeowners. Any proposal to vote on each change individually would be looked at after the current proposal of changes passes or fails to get a majority of lot owners to sign the proposed amendments.
 Consolidation of Trash Pick Up to one company to cut down on noise and save money
 Injection Well does not seem to be draining. The ground water level everywhere is high. The drain area does need to be cleaned out and the beautification committee is looking for a vendor to help clean out the area. It has been very wet so far this season.
 Can we put a no solicitation sign at the entrance? Yes, we should be able to get a nice sign.
 An explanation of how the camera system would work was requested and explained.
 A question about the next scheduled street light installation on Field Crest was questioned and a discussion about safety vs. night sky watching occurred. There are no street lights available to be installed and it might be a long time before they become available anyway, so a decision on this will be delayed until it is pertinent.
 There was a question about Cemetery upkeep by the new homeowner that owns the lot next to the cemetery. The upkeep is the responsibility of the homeowner that owns the lot.
 A question on where to find the restrictions came up. The restrictions are on the South Ridge HOA Blog Spot.

• Meeting Closed
1. A motion was made at 7:50 pm by the Secretary to end the official meeting.
2. Chris Pittman said he would stay and discuss the restrictions and restriction revision proposal pros and cons with any concerned homeowners.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Important Reminders!

The 2011 HOA meeting will be at Excell Baptist Church on Thursday, May 12 at 6:30 p.m. Childcare will be provided.


REMINDER: Please pay your HOA dues by May 12 to avoid a late fee.