Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Neighborhood News..

Blues on the Ridge-You have probably noticed the sign up front reminding you of the second annual "Blues on the Ridge" which will be held this Saturday night beginning at 6:00 at the end of Winding Creek. Bring your family, a chair and food and drink for this great summer event featuring the Joel Brown Band. Admission is free for HOA members. Guests and nonmembers are $5.00. We had a great crowd last year and hope to have another one this year. This is a great way to meet your neighbors. We want to especially invite those residents from the first 3 sections of the neighborhood to come to this event. We have not had as much participation from this area of the neighborhood in the last couple of years and this event is a great way to get to know your new neighbors in the back.

Changes to Restrictions-We will also have the sheets to sign the changes to the restrictions on that night so please come by and sign, even if you are unable to stay for the show.

HOA Dues-We also want to remind everyone, if you have not paid your HOA dues, they are overdue and need to be paid to P.O. Box 171, Clarksville, TN 37041, as soon as possible.

Street Parking-We have also had numerous complaints about residents parking on the street. Please do not park your vehicle on the street. It is a violation of the restrictions and more importantly, it is unsafe for children riding bikes, walkers and runners. Please park in driveways only. For those who live on Kensington there is an additional reason to park only in driveways. The school system has actually stopped picking up children at that location due to the number of cars parked on the street. The children have to walk down Glenraven to get on a bus because the bus is unable to maneuver around the vehicles.

Campers and Boats-Please remember that the restrictions require all campers and large boats to be kept in a separate building or your garage. They cannot be stored in driveways or the road. I know this is an inconvenience especially during this time of year, and we are trying to change some of the restrictions to ease that burden, but please keep in mind that the restrictions are in place to make sure our neighborhood remains one of the best places to live in Clarksville.

Front Entrance Landscaping-We are in the final stages of getting bids for redoing the landscaping at the entrance. Most of the plants are still healthy, but look old and dated. This will be changing soon!

Street Lights-A new street light has been ordered for the first half of Fieldcrest, which was one of the few remaining really dark areas of the neighborhood at night, and a replacement street light will soon be installed on the back side of Iron Wood Circle to replace the missing one (the victim of a mysterious hit and run with a large truck).

Mosquito Spraying-We just had our second neighborhood mosquito spraying of the summer and we will have one more round later in the summer to make sure we can all continue to enjoy our decks.

Remember to check back often for other news!

South Ridge HOA Board

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