Tuesday, May 25, 2021

2021 HOA Dues Invoices

 2021 HOA dues invoices were mailed out this week. Below is a link that you may use to pay online. Please wait to review your invoice balance before paying.

Remember that during the April HOA meeting, a unanimous vote was made to waive 2019 and 2020 fees because of lack of invoices mailed, checks being returned, and HOA mailbox being closed. If you were able to pay 2019 and/or 2020, that payment was applied to 2021 (and 2022, if applicable).
Laurie Matta has done an amazing job getting the finances up to date. And the current board has done really great things with the funds that come into the HOA. (Have you noticed the grass by the entrance, and all the new LED lights? That last light post on Glenraven should be fixed soon. The new pole has been ordered and entrance landscaping is still being reviewed.)
If you have any questions about your invoice, you may email the HOA at hoasouthridge@gmail.com.
