Tuesday, May 25, 2021

2021 HOA Dues Invoices

 2021 HOA dues invoices were mailed out this week. Below is a link that you may use to pay online. Please wait to review your invoice balance before paying.

Remember that during the April HOA meeting, a unanimous vote was made to waive 2019 and 2020 fees because of lack of invoices mailed, checks being returned, and HOA mailbox being closed. If you were able to pay 2019 and/or 2020, that payment was applied to 2021 (and 2022, if applicable).
Laurie Matta has done an amazing job getting the finances up to date. And the current board has done really great things with the funds that come into the HOA. (Have you noticed the grass by the entrance, and all the new LED lights? That last light post on Glenraven should be fixed soon. The new pole has been ordered and entrance landscaping is still being reviewed.)
If you have any questions about your invoice, you may email the HOA at hoasouthridge@gmail.com.


Sunday, April 11, 2021

April/May Upcoming Social Events

 April 29- Kadi's Taco Truck 4-7pm

May 14- Yard Sale 8am-12pm

May 14- IDC! Whatever! Food Truck 4-7pm

May 15- Yard Sale 8am-12pm

May 27- Gray Smoke Food Truck 4-7pm

May 28- Summer Movie Night Time: TBA

May 29- Fire Lime Offshore Grill Food Truck

April 5, 2021 HOA Meeting Minutes


South Ridge HOA Quarterly Meeting Minutes

April 5, 2021

The current Secretary, Christie Kettle called the meeting to order at 6:13pm.

Lindsey Davis seconds the motion.

Call to Order: number in attendance: approx. 43


Mark Cooke speaking for Cumberland Connect.  Currently in Phase 2, Board has approved Phase 3 which includes South Ridge.  Late summer or early fall, construction will begin and will work to serve every home underground.  If yards are torn up in the process, they will be fixed.  Questions can be directed to Mark.  Cumberlandconnect.org to receive notifications about the area and progress.  Underground is very weather dependent.  Hookups and connections could be by the end of the year, approximately.


Reports: Laurie Matta updated attendees on current Treasury report

Where we were August 2020

      Bank Account overdrawn

      Behind 2 years on annual filing

      No record of payments made

      No record of deposits made

      Bank not reconciled since 2017

      No property register accounting for dues

How Far We’ve Come 2021

      Bank Account balanced from 2018-2021

      Current on annual filings (3 years)

      All payments accounted for

      Accounted for dues paid back to 2015

      Assessor’s List of all SR properties to track dues

Previous Years’ Financials

Laurie proposed that all 2019 and 2020 dues are forgiven and anyone who has paid during that time will have that applied to 2021 and/or 2022.  The motion is seconded.  Votes for support- 37 of 37 in attendance.  Votes opposed- 0 of 37.  Motion passed.  Invoices for 2021 dues will be mailed out and due June 1st 2021.


Current Year’s Projected Budget:


Committee Reports:

Welcome- Committee is having difficulty due to realtors.  Jeff is reaching out to remedy. 

Social- Food trucks will continue as long as trucks will agree.  Thanks to all that have helped in scheduling them. Nothing plans were made since Aug 2020 due to the lack of “knowing” budget and financial standings.  Now that finances are in good shape, caught up, and a budget has been set for the upcoming year, a social committee will be able to set up a movie night for spring and/or fall, as well as other things.  Suggestions are appreciated.  You can reach out to Christie Kettle.

Beautification- The purpose of this committee is to make the decisions for décor, landscaping, and review mowing contracts regularly.  Sign for No Soliciting and HOA recognition is suggested and will be discussed among other entrance plans, and “yard of the month”


New Business

Landscaping- annual spring work day suggested

Maintenance Needs- $4100 to repair and it was cheaper to replace.  Looking for bids and quotes.  Street lights- the lights have been retrofitting them with LED.  They are no longer made.  A 2nd certified letter will be sent to homeowner/responsible party to replace Glenraven light.  To update lights will require a lot of digging and extra lights could become the responsibility of individual neighbors.  Electricians have been scheduled to give quotes on future work.


Major Discussion items:

*Chickens- Home owners to speak and address whether they have understood the CC&R requirements and will comply.  A 2nd violation letter will be sent within a week giving them 30 days to comply with restrictions.  Fines will follow if not in compliance.

*Chain Link Fencing- Absolutely prohibited by the CC&Rs. Unless homeowners voluntarily comply the board is required under the bylaws to enforce the restrictions and would necessitate retaining an attorney.  A 2nd violation letter will be sent within a week giving them 30 days to comply with restrictions.  Fines will follow if not in compliance.

*Exempt properties- HOA was voluntary as defined under state law for the homeowners at that time, but after sell the bylaws hold that all properties are mandatory members and subject to the CC&Rs.

*Glenraven light- THP report was received by an outside source and the HOA has not received any communication from the at fault party and attempts to begin the claims process with their insurance carrier (USAA) have failed due to the incorrect policy number listed on the accident report.  Options include a vote for the HOA members to absorb the cost of replacement (approx. $5K) attempt to send certified letter to driver with a demand for damages, or retain an attorney and seek damages through legal avenues.

*Dues- waived for 2019 and 2020.  Any 2019-2020 payments will be applied to 2021-2022 dues.  An online payment option is being investigated for homeowners to pay 2021 dues.  Invoices will be sent out after online payment option has been put out.  HOA dues are due June 1st.

*Insurance- HOA bylaws require a general liability policy for the neighborhood but no record of any such policy ever existing can be found.  Multiple quotes have been received and the board has begun the coverage process.  Current quotes are in the $1100-$1900 range.



Christie Kettle makes a motion to end the meeting.

Lindsey Davis seconds the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm


Monday, March 22, 2021

Annual HOA Meeting

 Per South Ridge HOA by-laws, our Annual HOA meeting will be held on the first Monday of April.

April 5th, 2021


Living Hope Baptist Church

225 Little Hope Road

We would appreciate a count of those that plan to attend to ensure we have enough chairs.  Please rsvp to the fb event at our fb page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/SouthRidgeNeighborhood, or email the HOA: hoasouthridge@gmail.com

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Upcoming Scheduled Events

Saturday, February 27 from 3-7pm- Linel's Food Truck

Friday, March 5 from 5-7pm- Fireline OffShore Grill Food Truck

Saturday, March 6 from 12- 4pm- The Baking Room Dessert Food Truck

Friday, March 12 from 4-7pm- Grey Smoke Food Truck

Friday May 14-Saturday May 15 from 8am-12pm- SPRING YARD SALE