Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Santa Visits South Ridge!

Santa is coming through the neighborhood Monday  12/21/15. He will begin his trip through the neighborhood starting with Iron Wood Circle around 6:15 and traveling from there to the front of the neighborhood. Please email hoasouthridge@gmail.com with your street number and street name to get on Santa's neighborhood visit list. Watch out for Santa and pass the word around to anyone that might be interested. Santa will be giving out candy canes during his visit. 
Happy Holidays!
South Ridge HOA Board

Monday, September 15, 2014

South Ridge Semi-Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale October 3rd and 4th

The South Ridge neighborhood yard sale is scheduled for Friday October 3rd and Saturday October 4th, 2014.

See you there!

South Ridge is located on the right about 4 1/2 miles down Hwy 12 from the 41A Bypass. 

Movie Night September 27th at 7 pm

The South Ridge Home Owners Association is sponsoring a movie night on September 27th at 7 pm.

The movie is Frozen by Disney Films

The movie will be shown on Iron Wood Circle

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Semi-Annual South Ridge Neighborhood Yard Sale

The South Ridge Semi-Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale is here!
Friday October 3rd and Saturday 4th.
See you there!

South Ridge is located on the right about 4 1/2 miles down Hwy 12 from the 41A Bypass. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting           April 7th, 2014

The meeting was called to order by the current President Steve Tronnes at 6:30 pm at Excel Baptist Church.
We were honored to be joined by Montgomery County Sheriff John Fuson and Montgomery County Criminal Investigator Sgt. Steve Heise.

1. The floor was opened to a discussion of safety and security in South Ridge. The discussion was about ways to help prevent illegal activity such as: trespassing, vandalism, speeding, theft, non-street legal vehicles, and parking in the street. When illegal or suspicious activity occurs, it should be reported as soon as possible by calling 911. The enhanced 911 system can capture more information and save the operator typing time and questions, even if the problem is not a life threatening emergency. Report the illegal or suspicious activity to the 911 operator and if you want to remain anonymous, let the operator know you don’t want a patrol car to show up in your driveway. They will contact you for more information as needed. The more details you can provide will help investigators do their job.

2. Introduction of Officers for 2012 – 2014

  • Steve Tronnes, President/ Treasurer
  • Kent Marhol, Vice President
  • Sharrock Cobb, Secretary
  • Pete Materia, Treasurer

3. Old Business:

  • Approval of minutes from last year’s meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve last year’s minutes. A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.
  • Summary of activities / improvements from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014

1.    Neighborhood yard sales

2.    Outdoor movie nights

3.    Yard of the Month program

4.    Santa Visits Southridge

5.    Front entrance improvements (landscaping)

6.    Mosquito spraying

7.    Cul-de-sac improvements on South Ridge Trail

  • Summary of income and expenses for last year and where the money goes:

1.    Street Light Repair and misc. electrical

2.    Landscaping / Mowing (including 2 abandoned properties)

3.    Utilities (CEMC, watering, etc.)

4.    Activities – Movies, Santa visits, etc.

5.    Mosquito spraying

New Business:

  • Discussion of volunteer opportunities

1.    Welcoming Committee

2.    Beautification Committee- Neighborhood improvement projects

3.    Activities Committee- Members needed to help coordinate activities

Signup sheets were available for the different volunteer opportunities

  • Tennessee Wastewater

1.    TN Wastewater costs decreased by 22% in 2013

2.    There are no increases scheduled for 2014 as of 4/7/14

3.    There was a discussion on continued ways to lower costs

  • Elections for 2014 – 2016 term officers for the Board of Directors was held and no one was willing at the time to volunteer for President, Vice President, or Secretary. By the HOA Bylaws, the 2 offices that are required to be filled at a minimum are the President and Secretary. For the meantime, the current President, Steve Tronnes, will stay in place and appoint a successor when available. The Treasurer, Pete Materia, will also hold the office of Secretary for the purposes of carrying out liens for properties that are not up to date on dues and signing documents. Successors will be appointed for President, Vice President, and Secretary when they become available.

Chris Pittman led a discussion on the importance of maintaining the HOA and gave several examples of HOA’s that had not been able to keep up their neighborhoods due to no volunteers.

The current President, Steve Tronnes, is confident that there are individuals in the neighborhood that will be willing to volunteer for open positions and will help volunteers in any position they would like to help out with.

Meeting Closed - A motion was made and seconded at 7:35 pm to end the official meeting.