Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Congratulations to Lorrain Logue and Ricardo Rios on South Ridge Trail for winning the Best Christmas Decorations for 2012!
We hope everyone has a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Santa is coming to South Ridge!

 Tuesday night December 18, 2012 beginning at 5:30 pm. Santa will have toys for the kids and fun for everyone. As always, please drive carefully since it will be dark with increased activity around the roads.

Vote for the best decorations for Christmas 2012

Use the link below to place your vote. Deadline is Sunday December 23rd by midnight.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Congratulations to Jacob and Christine Barner and family
for winning The Halloween Yard of the Month for 2012!

 Have a Safe and Happy Halloween.
Don't forget our next event on Saturday November 3rd;
Family Cookout and Movie Night at 866 Ironwood Circle.
The cookout starts around 4:30 pm and movie at 6:50 pm.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The South Ridge Semi-Annual Neighborhood Yard Sale is here!
Friday May 2nd & Saturday May 3rd.
See you there!

South Ridge is located on the right about 4 1/2 miles down Hwy 12 from the 41A Bypass. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The date for the Neighborhood Cookout / Movie Night has been selected for Saturday November 3rd, 2012. The cookout will start at 4 pm. The movie has not been selected. There was a tie for several movies. Help break the tie and select a movie for movie night. Select the link below to take the survey.

Thank you for your vote!

P.S. If your name is anonymous and you want to help fix restriction violations, you need not reply to this survey. You can contact me at 436-0319 and I'll be happy to talk to you about how you can help.

Steve Tronnes
President SR HOA

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Vote for the best days to have a 2012 Fall Neighborhood Yard Sale
Click here to take survey

Vote for the best day and movie for a 2012 Fall Cookout / Movie Night
Click here to take survey

Thank you for your input!
Steve Tronnes

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The links that were added last year to the restrictions are not working. If you need to know what your restrictions are, email me at  and I'll be happy to send them to you.
Steve Tronnes

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vote for the August 2012 Yard of the Month with the link below.

There was a tie for the July 2012 Yard of the Month.

Congratulations to Michael Ann and Bryan Adams on South Ridge Trail!
 Congratulations to the Wellington's on Iron Wood Circle!
Both families have beautiful homes and deserve to share the honor in being voted as Yards of the Month. Thank you to those that took the time and voted.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Select the link to vote for the Yard of the Month for July 2012.
Thank you for your vote!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

June 2012 Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Heyward and Marie Duncan on winning the June 2012 Yard of the Month!

Today is July 4th, 2012 and we just had a good rain shower. I hope this continues as a trend since this is the first time it has rained in many weeks in the neighborhood. Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

May 2012 Yard of the Month

Congratulations to Rafael and Magdalene Gonzalez at 851 Ironwood Circle for being voted the Yard of the Month for May 2012. They have a beautiful yard and we appreciate their efforts.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

South Ridge Neighborhood Yard Sale!
Friday 5/18/12 & Saturday 5/19/12

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Sewer Survey Link: Click here to take survey

Sewer rates are high in South Ridge. Here is a link to a survey to gather information about water usage. If you live in South Ridge, I encourage you to take this simple survey and help us get ideas to help lower rates. The survey link is in the header above.
Thank you for your time!
South Ridge HOA Board

Monday, April 30, 2012

Congratulations to Bob and Helen Vaughn on winning the yard of the month for April 2012!
Bob & Helen have done a lot of work to improve their house and we appreciate their efforts in improving our neighborhood.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Cookout and Movie Night

Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday, April 14th for the cookout and movie night. We had a good turnout and everyone had a good time. Stay tuned for announcements of upcoming activities.

Minutes from Annual Meeting

The annual meeting for the South Ridge HOA was held on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at Excell Baptist Church.  The minutes from the meeting are as follows:

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting April 12, 2012
Introduction of Officers for 2010 – 2012 started at 6:30 pm
• Chris Pittman, President/ Treasurer
• Kristin Shinn, Vice President
• Steve Tronnes, Secretary

Old Business:
• Approval of minutes from last year’s meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve last year’s minutes. A vote was made and passed to approve the minutes.

• Summary of activities / improvements from May 2011 to April 2012
1. Neighborhood yard sale
2. Outdoor movie nights
3. Yard of the Month program
4. Front entrance improvements (landscaping and painting)
5. Purchase of security system (purchased and waiting to be installed)
6. Mosquito spraying
7. Continued work on restrictions (more later)

• Summary of income and expenses for last year
1. 2011-12 Dues-collected from all but 2 homes
2. Lien’s entered on those two properties
3. Total income: $18,000.00 (approx.)
4. Total expenses: $15,000.00 (approx.)
a. Street Light Repair and misc. electrical-$1,865.00
b. Expected to more than double this year-New light poles and repairs due to age
c. Landscaping-$3,528.91 (including new front landscaping, repair of damage caused by 4-wheeler, mowing, etc)
d. Security System-$800.00 (so far)To be installed as soon as possible.
e. Utilities (CEMC, watering, etc.)-$2,600.00 approx.
f. Activities-$1,500.00
g. Accounting-$275.00
h. Movie System Purchase-$3,500.00 (Rentals $1,800.00)
i. Mosquito spraying-$450.00 will probably be higher this year
5. Balance in money market account: $33,800.00
6. Balance in operating account: $11,900.00
7. Financially very healthy compared to comparable neighborhoods

New Business:

• Upcoming activities
1. Outdoor movie and cookout (April 14th,2012)
2. Neighborhood yard sale (Dates to be announced)
3. Yard of the Month (Apr-Aug if it is not too dry in August., Halloween and Christmas)
4. Voting online for the Yard of the Month. Email to link will be sent out each month.
5. Almost annual “Blues on the Ridge” (possible late summer, early fall)
6. Other movie night(s)-Fall probably

• Discussion of volunteer opportunities
1. Welcome Committee -Help welcome new neighbors. Kristen Shinn will Chair until a replacement is named
2. Beautification Committee- Steve Tronnes to Chair neighborhood improvement projects
3. Activities Committee-Chair and members needed to help coordinate activities

Signup sheets are available for the different volunteer opportunities

• Restrictions
1. Most comply with restrictions. (200 properties and well over 90% are in compliance)
2. Largest number of complaints re: violations
a. RVs
b. Sheds
c. Boats (too large)
d. Parking in street
3. Be courteous of your neighbors and comply voluntarily with the restrictions.

• Problems expressed by Homeowners
1. Parking on the streets (danger to walkers, runners and children on bikes)
2. Scooters, motorcycles, four wheelers and golf carts
3. Yards. Impacts the neighborhood more than anything else. Take pride in your home. If you need help ask. If there is a military spouse whose husband is deployed and needs help cutting the grass, let someone know in the HOA so we can see about helping them.
4. Speeding
5. Violations of restrictions (previously discussed)
6. Dues: Please pay promptly.
7. Dogs.
a. Montgomery County does have a leash law.
b. Use yards as bathrooms
c. Concerns for safety of children and walkers
d. Concern for dogs (getting picked up by pound)
e. Please keep dogs inside, on a leash or in a fenced in yard
8. Most (but not all) issues can be solved through communication with neighbors

• Elections for 2012 – 2014 term Board Members

A motion was made and seconded to elect the following members to the 2012 – 2014 Board

1. Steve Tronnes, President
2. Kent Marohl , Vice President
3. Pete Materia, Treasurer
4. Sharrock Cobb, Secretary

• Questions and Comments from the new President and Ideas to look at for the upcoming year
1. Our sewer bill is too high. Right now the rates may not go down until 2015 and there is no guarantee they will then. The Lagoon to provide the neighborhood with its own leaching system to disconnect from the City of Clarksville has not been built and if TWW can get the funds it will take over 2 years and 1.2 million dollars to build the pipeline. We will continue to work to get our rate lowered to the commercial rate as opposed to the Industrial rate that it currently is set. We are also checking in to seeing if some families can disconnect from the sewer completely if they choose to have a field line installed. We will work with the level of decision makers that can help influence changes in the current rate.
2. A short discussion on a new committee to review the restrictions. Since the restrictions are in the deeds to every homeowner’s property, changing them must be voted on by all homeowners.

• Meeting Closed
1. A motion was made at 7:20 pm to end the official meeting.
2. Most folks stayed until around 7:35 to discuss sewer and restriction ideas.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Cookout and Outdoor Movie Night-Saturday, April 14, 2012

We invite all HOA members and their families to join us on Iron Wood Circle at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 14th for a cookout and outdoor movie.  We will be grilling burgers.  Bring a side or dessert to share, a drink and chair or blanket and get to know your neighbors and stay for a movie on our jumbo outdoor movie screen.  We will be showing the movie Dolphin Tale, which is suitable for all ages (including adults!).

While everyone is welcome to come even if you don't RSVP, we would ask that you email the HOA and let us know so we can estimate the amount of food to buy.

South Ridge HOA Annual Meeting

The South Ridge Annual Meeting and elections will be held on Thursday, April 12, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the Excell Baptist Church Fellowship Hall.  At the meeting we will hold elections for officers for the next two years and will answer questions about the last year's activities and concerns.  We hope all homeowners will attend.  A sign announcing the meeting has been placed at the front of the neighborhood and several emails have been sent out notifying everyone of the meeting.