Thursday, September 25, 2008

Got a Green Thumb? Join the Beautification Committee

A few homeowners have commented on the bushes and general appearance of the entry to the neighborhood. We are currently working on a plan to have a front entrance area beautification committee.

The trimming of the bushes by the front entrance is not part of the normal gardening that takes place, so we would have to pay extra. In an effort to curb spending I am hoping to have volunteers do some of the work weeding and trimming.

Send an e-mail to or leave a comment here if you are interested! We ALL can benefit from a more beautiful front entrance.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Report Street Light Outages

If you see any street lights that are out, please send an e-mail to letting me know the address of the home closest to the pole so I can put in a work order.

Thanks for your help!
