Sunday, August 17, 2008

South Ridge Restrictions

Many people have been asking about the neighborhood restrictions. If you have misplaced your copy or are just curious, click on the links below to see restrictions for each section. (Each homeowner should have received a copy at closing.)

Section V Restrictions:

Section IV Restrictions:

Section III Restrictions:

Section II Restrictions:

Sections I and IA Restrictions:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Message from Your President

Hi, Everyone, and welcome to our new weblog!

As most of you may know we recently held elections for the HOA officers.

Your new officers are the following:

President: Jennifer Wellington
Vice President: Chris Pittman
Treasurer: Ray Andreno
Secretary: Alison Cox

In an effort to keep you better informed, we decided that a blog would be a great tool to get information out quickly. We intend on posting South Ridge information as well as upcoming events to this page.

We urge you to check it often and to post your own constructive thoughts and events such as yard sales, pampered chef parties, etc. You may post questions/comments by clicking on the "Comments" section. *You will need to click on an "identity". You can use "name/URL" or "anonymous" buttons.

If you would like to have us post your event, furniture for sale, etc., e-mail the information to, and we'll get it posted.

We are also working on an updated contact list and a neighborhood questionnaire, which we are hoping to have out in the next few weeks.

Please feel free to e-mail us at any time:
